UCL Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Staff/Student Intranet

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEP)

peep.pngPeople who have a personal emergency evacuation plan (PEEP) will require assistance in getting to the designated refuge point. The Roberts refuge points are located on each East stairwell and the West floor emergency exit. MPEB refuge points are on every floor within  each stairwell. Refuge points are indicated by the If you think you will require assistance during a fire evacuation, please notify your line manager or supervisor who will show you the nearest refuge point to your work location.

Guidance on PEEPs may be found here on the University Fire Safety website.

fire-ext.pngIf you discover fire or smoke operate the nearest fire alarm break glass point. These are situated at the end of each corridor. Dial 222 on any internal telephone in UCL (or 020 7679 2222 on mobile) and give Security the building name and Fire Zone number:

045  for the Roberts Building

365 for the Engineering Front Building

350 for the MPEB

This information is also displayed at each break glass point and in the stairwells on each floor.


 fire-auto-alarm.pngOur buildings are fitted with an automatic fire detection system. The system is a series of smoke detectors which are situated in the corridors and a few selected laboratories are also connected centrally.

This should automatically call the Fire Service in the event of a fire. It is important however that in the event of a fire to raise the alarm independently of the fire detection system, as described above.