Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEP)
EEE has a responsibility to ensure all staff and students are able to safely evacuate in the event of an emergency. Where an individual may have difficulty evacuating the building in response to an alarm a PEEP will be required. This is response to the Equality Act 2010 and The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 legislation in the UK.
Persons who may require PEEPS can include but are not limited to; mobility, sight or hearing impairments, short term or temporary medical conditions, neurodiversity, pregnancy and dexterity or strength impairments.
In Roberts and MPEB, the usual evacuation is via stairs to the ground floor, alternatively if the alarm is going off in one building only you can evacuation horizontally via the link bridges on the 1st - 7th floors. If an individual cannot use these options to evacuate they should email the Departmental Safety Officer and they will help with getting a PEEP in place. More information can be found on the UCL Fire SharePoint and via the EEE Guidance.
045 for the Roberts Building
365 for the Engineering Front Building
350 for the MPEB
This information is also displayed at each break glass point and in the stairwells on each floor.
Our buildings are fitted with an automatic fire detection system. The system is a series of smoke detectors which are situated in the corridors and a few selected laboratories are also connected centrally.
This should automatically call the Fire Service in the event of a fire. It is important however that in the event of a fire to raise the alarm independently of the fire detection system, as described above.