UCL Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Staff/Student Intranet

Wellbeing Support

Wellbeing Champion 

To be confirmed

Mental Health First Aiders (MHFA)

We have a number of staff and PhD students trained as MHFA all of which will have received 2-day Adult Mental Health First Aid training from MHFA England. The course equips first aiders with the following skills:

  • An in-depth understanding of mental health and the factors that can affect wellbeing
  • Practical skills to spot the triggers and signs of mental health issues
  • Confidence to step in, reassure and support a person in distress
  • Enhanced interpersonal skills such as non-judgemental listening
  • Knowledge to help someone recover their health by guiding them to further support - whether that’s self-help resources, through their employer, the NHS, or a mix

If you'd like a conversation re mental health or need signposting to further support, please contact any of us from the list below.

Staff (all can be contacted on MS Teams)
Lucy Belgrave l.belgrave@ucl.ac.uk Room 705, 7th Floor Roberts Building
Brioni Best-Wilde b.best-wilde@ucl.ac.uk Room 703, 7th Floor Roberts Building
Kari Clark kari.clark.14@ucl.ac.uk Room 809, 8th Floor Roberts Building

Filippo Cunsolo


Room 705, 7th Floor Roberts Building

Louise Davies rmaplda@ucl.ac.uk Room 705, 7th Floor Roberts Building
Thomas Gilbert thomas.gilbert.11@ucl.ac.uk Room 1103, 11th Floor Roberts Building
Josh Friend j.friend@ucl.ac.uk
Joe Hird j.hird@ucl.ac.uk Room 705, 7th Floor Roberts Building
Steve Hudziak s.hudziak@ucl.ac.uk Room 902, 9th Floor Roberts Building
Arsam Nasrollahy Shiraz a.shiraz@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 3108 1113 (ext: 51113)
Temitope Odedeyi temitope.odedeyi.13@ucl.ac.uk  

Hasbi Oner


Chow-Yin Lai c.lai@ucl.ac.uk Room 1103, 11th Floor Roberts Building
Afroditi Papadaki a.papadaki.17@ucl.ac.uk Room 705, 7th Floor Malet Place Engineering Building
Rebecca Thomas becca.thomas@ucl.ac.uk Room 721, 7th Floor Roberts Building
Gary Welch gary.welch@ucl.ac.uk Room 705, 7th Floor Roberts Building
PhD Students
Noora Almarri noora.almarri.19@ucl.ac.uk   
Jamie Bragg jamie.bragg.19@ucl.ac.uk   
Maryam Habibollahi maryam.habibollahi.15@ucl.ac.uk   
Onur Kiris onur.kiris.20@ucl.ac.uk   
Chris Nicolaescu a.nicolaescu@ee.ucl.ac.uk   


If you're experiencing a mental health or wellbeing crisis and are in immediate risk of harming yourself or someone else call 999 and ask for assistance.

If you're on UCL's main campus or you live in Camden, you can also access Camden & Islington's Mental Health Crisis Assessment Service.

Call their support line on  020 3317 6333

Open 24 hours a day / 7 days a week

Other organisation that can help are:


Phone: 116 123

Web: samaritans.org

E. jo@samaritans.org


Web: nightline.org.uk

E: listening@nightline.org.uk