Manual handling in offices
You should only move equipment, items, stationary etc. if you are confident that:
- The load is not excessive for your ability to lift and/or carry,
- It is not so bulky as to be unwieldy, or is slippery/difficult to grip
- The location does not require you to move or lift in an awkward way,
- The items are not in an inaccessible place, with a risk of falling or tripping.
If possible, break loads into manageable sizes, ask a colleague to assist, make a safer working space by clearing other items in the way, etc. Please see the UCL guidelines on manual handling for further advice.
The movement of items that remain very heavy for more than one person to lift, are very bulky or unwieldy, or stored inaccessibly, should only be led by staff who have completed UCL’s Manual Handling and Lifting course. Movement of such items should be done in accordance with the Department’s manual handling risk assessment for office equipment. Wherever possible, lifting aids (sack barrows, trolleys, pallet trucks, etc.) should be used.
Individual large heavy pieces of office equipment and furniture should be handled by arrangement with UCL Porters. Please ask the Technical Services Manager to arrange.