UCL Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Staff/Student Intranet

Fire Safety

Fire evacuations - Local Guidance for the Roberts Building and MPEB

When fire alarms sound, please leave the building immediately
  • DO leave the building by means of the nearest staircase
  • DO Follow the instructions of the Fire Evacuation Marshals who will be wearing bright yellow jackets.
  • DO follow the fire exit signs to the appropriate designated assembly point for your building (see sign examples below).
  • DO NOT run
  • DO NOT use the lifts
  • DO NOT stop to gather your belongings.
  • DO NOT congregate outside the Engineering Building as this will block access for the emergency services.
  • DO NOT re-enter the building unless told to do so by a Fire Evacuation Marshal.


Roberts fire escape routes

The 11th floor has a slightly different layout but also has East and West stair access points. Please be careful evacuating this floor as the stairs between the 11th and 10th floors are very narrow.


The Roberts building has two stairs, one on the West and one on the East side of the building. All floors from the 6th through to the 10th have the same corridor arrangement (see 6th floor plan below). If the fire alarm sounds, please evacuate using the nearest stair.


Once you have reached the ground floor, the main fire exit point is  next to the Roberts lift lobby. You can also exit the building via doors on the North and West (rear) sides of the building. At the West or Rear side of Roberts, there is an archway and road which runs under the building. The ground floor lobby of the West stair exits on to this road. To get to the assembly point from the rear of the Roberts building, proceed North behind the MPEB and turn right to re-join Malet Place.


There are bridges linking the Roberts abuilding and MPEB on the 1st through 7th floors, connecting directly to the East stairwell of Roberts building.

MPEB escape routes

The MPEB has stairs at the front and rear of the building- please see plan of the 7th floor below. Both of these have exits on the ground floor.


Roberts and MPEB Building Assembly Point

For the Roberts building & MPEB the assembly point is the Anatomy Yard. Walk through the arch in the Medical Sciences Building to the quadrangle near the South Junction (next to where the print room café tables are situated).

Assembly Point.png

Fire Drills

Periodically the College carries out fire drills. The object is to ensure people aware of the fire evacuation procedures and to practice fast evacuation of the building. Not all drills will be notified in advance.

Please respond to drills as in a real emergency. Do not assume any evacuation is just a drill.

Specific instructions for labs and workshops

If you will be working in an area with specific shut down or exit requirements in the event of an evacuation- in a lab or workshop, for example- instruction on these procedures will be given in your local induction for the area provided by the workshop or lab manager, or your supervisor.