Proxy Server

How to configure your browser to access the web from within the department

Most PCs do NOT need this configuration.
Your PC only needs to be configured to use our local PROXY server if it is not on the default VLAN.

If your PC is on a research VLAN, then you will probably need to use our proxy server to access external http/https sites

Server address:
Server port: 8080
Ignore proxy for domains: *

Configuring Firefox

These settings are for the WINDOWS version of firefox

  1. Click on Tools and then select Options.
  2. Select the "Advanced" icon on the window that pops up.
  3. Click on the "Network" tab
  4. In the "Connection"box, click on "Settings"
  5. Select Manual proxy configuration
  6. Tick the box next to Use the same proxy for all protocols.
  7. In the HTTP Proxy text box enter and enter 8080 in the Port text box.
  8. Enter the following in the "Exceptions" box:
  9. Click on OK and then OK again.
  10. You should now have access to external sites.

Configuring Internet Explorer/Chrome/Edge

  1. Click on the "Tools" menu and select "Internet Options".
  2. Click on the Connections tab.
  3. Click on the LAN Settings button.
  4. Tick the box next to Use a Proxy Server for your LAN...
  5. Enter in the Address text box.
  6. Enter 8080 in the Port text box.
  7. Tick the box next to Bypass proxy server for local addresses.
  8. Click on the "Advanced" button
  9. Click on "use the same proxy server for all protocols"
  10. In the "Exceptions" box, add *
  11. Click OK, then again.
  12. You should now have access to external sites.