UCL Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Staff/Student Intranet

How to use Zoom

How to access, use and get support for Zoom

All UCL staff and students can create a Zoom account , and download client software, from the UCL Zoom Portal.

Please check that your system meets the minimum Zoom System Requirements

Zoom Support

UCL ISD have a dedicated Zoom support team. You can contact them at: zoomsupport@ucl.ac.uk

Logging into the Zoom Client

  1. The first thing you need to do is to visit https://ucl.zoom.us and sign in with your UCL userid and password to create your Zoom account.
  2. On the desktop client, click on the “Sign in” button
  3. Click on the “Sign in with SSO” button
  4. Enter the domain as “UCL” and click on “Continue”
  5. This should open a browser tab for UCL’s Single Sign On service. Login with your usual UCL userid and password
  6. This should redirect you back to the client and you should be logged in

How to use Zoom


Join a meeting

Schedule a meeting

Meeting controls

Recording a Zoom meeting

Joining and configuring video and audio

Screen Sharing

Sharing multiple screens simultaneously

You can find additional content at https://www.youtube.com/user/ZoomMeetings