UCL Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Staff/Student Intranet

Laboratory Work in EEE

Laboratory Work in EEE

A lab manager, lab mentor or PI must induct you into the laboratory. You should complete a formal lab induction form and this should be readily available in the Red Safety Folder within labs. Any lab activities must have an associated Risk Assessment to show consideration to the risk and control measures. Lab access is only permitted once a suitable, formal lab induction has been provided.
This is in addition to the standard staff inductions, central UCL Fire Safety, central UCL Health and Safety, Local Fire Induction and Local H&S Induction
Lab induction by a competent person for each lab you use, this includes but is not limited to:
  • Shown the location of the red safety folder in your lab
  • Shown how to get in contact with the main lab contacts for any lab related issues, as well as in an emergency
  • Read and understood all risk assessments in place for the area you will work in
  • COSHH assessments for all chemicals used in the area - new basic COSHH or process COSHH assessments will need to be carried out for new chemicals used.
  • How to get rid of all waste including hazardous waste in line with UCL waste policy
  • Emergency contingency plans
  • Any equipment specific training/inductions/documentation as appropriate to the area
  • Any central UCL training needed to work safely e.g. Laser Safety Awareness Training, Safe Decanting of Liquid Nitrogen etc. 
  • Signed a lab induction form with your lab mentor when you are fully inducted

Staff members and postgraduate students may require other safety training, depending on your role and responsibilities. These requirements will be documented in the Dept lab manual, facility safety arrangements and/or lab rules.

All laboratories in the Department also use one or a combination of the following for access: pass card/key/code pad. You will be added to the pass card entry lists for a laboratory, or given the code and/or key, following completion of the required safety training for that area.

Most offices in the Department use a key entry system. You will be given your office key on your first day of employment/enrolment.

Office & Lab keys are managed by the IT team. There is a £20 cash deposit for keys. Please see the Policy for Key and Code access for more information.